Effective Teaching & Trigger of Talent

Since we know that education is an urgent matter for Muslim men and women, the Prophet of Islam also called for education and learning science...

Education in the current conditions for women

  • Writer: Nasrin Arifi
  • Category: EBA Online School
  • Language: English

Education in current conditions for women


    Since we know that education is an urgent matter for Muslim men and women, the Prophet of Islam also called for education and learning science and said: Seek science even though it is in China.

As we know, nowadays schools are closed for girls from grades 7 to 12, and this is a major and fundamental problem that Afghan women have faced, this problem has dire consequences. Society is officially led towards ignorance, ignorance, and illiteracy.

If we want to have an enlightened and educated society, the first step is to have informed and educated girls, and in this situation, the only reasonable way is distance education (online schools). We can continue our studies without any danger to our life

.Now that the online school for girls has been established, a window of hope has been opened for them and they will continue their studies with a stronger effort

Thanks to EBA school
Sincerely, Nasrin Arefi