Personal Development Counselling and Training

Goal-setting, critical thinking, creativity, networking, time management, and effective communication are key important skills for...

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EBA Online School

EBA’s Online School will provide excellent educational services in order to increase access to high quality education, in both stable and crisis situati

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Global School

Empowering schools and teachers globally to educate children about the SDGs”. The Global Schools Program is an initiative led by the UN Sustainable

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Vocational Training

EBA’s team is well aware of the global job market’s trends and demands. Nowadays, most jobs require technical skills and competencies rather than...

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Teacher Training

EBA believes that ongoing professional development is a must for teachers. We firmly believe that good teachers not only teach others, but they are...

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Language Courses

EBA believes that language proficiency is critical for all education, career and personal development. In addition, English proficiency is a key that...

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