Effective Teaching & Trigger of Talent

"Despite all challenges imposed on Afghan women and girls, we will not give up"

Afghan Girls Will not Give Up

  • Writer: Freshta Madadi
  • Category: EBA Online School
  • Language: English


This is Freshta Madadi, an Afghan student who is not allowed to go to school anymore. But it is not only me, sadly I can say that there are ten and thousand girls just like me who have been stopped from dreaming about their future, who have been forced to wear veil, but some have also been made to stay at home plus majority who have been forced to move into other countries and live their entire life as a refugee in a foreign country. I say with sorrow that I am also one of those refugees that the current situation in Afghanistan has made them leave their own soil. But all of these do not mean that we lose our hope and give up, ... No because we all know that we are brave enough to go back to school after it was boomed, we are brave enough to go back to work after our female colleagues were ignored and assassinated and we are brave enough to back on TV, report the news after other journalists were murdered for telling the truth. Yes, it is not right and it is not right too that we give up because giving up is not the solution for these problems. We have to go forward; we have to set better goals for our future. And at the end, I would like to thank EBA (Education Bright for Afghanistan) that preparing opportunities for Afghan girls they continue their education and assisting them that they convey their voices to the world.         

Thank you!

  1. سلام لینک ثبت نام

  2. Hello This is Zahra Ahmadi from Herat province. I studied 6th grade but I couldn't continue because of the bad suction we have now with the Taliban government. All the Afghan 's girl are in a bad state and we couldn't reach on our goal it's my goal to continue my education and get a good job and help others if I can continue with your helpping I will be happier then now. Thank you so much for helping us

  3. Hello This is Zahra Ahmadi from Herat province. I studied 6th grade but I couldn't continue because of the bad suction we have now with the Taliban government. All the Afghan 's girl are in a bad state and we couldn't reach on our goal it's my goal to continue my education and get a good job and help others if I can continue with your helpping I will be happier then now. Thank you so much for helping us

  4. Hello This is Zahra Ahmadi from Herat province. I studied 6th grade but I couldn't continue because of the bad suction we have now with the Taliban government. All the Afghan 's girl are in a bad state and we couldn't reach on our goal it's my goal to continue my education and get a good job and help others if I can continue with your helpping I will be happier then now. Thank you so much for helping us

  5. Hi, Would you please provide me the application form so that I can apply? Thank you, Weda

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  162. Despite all challenges imposed on Afghan women and girls, we will not give up