❝ My name is Sahar Alkouzi, after the Taliban came, my friends and I had problems. They did not allow us to go to school ❞
Current problems for female secondary school students to continue their studies in Afghanistan.
My name is Sahar Alkouzi, after the Taliban came, my friends and I had problems. They did not allow us to go to school and announced that schools can accept girls from first to sixth grade but not for seventh grade and higher. Their aim is to keep girls away from knowledge and I, as a twelve-year-old Afghan girl, had nothing to do. There was nothing I could do, and that made me even more sad. After the Taliban came, our days became black and dark like the night, and my future and dreams disappeared, while I have always dreamed of continuing my studies and becoming an astronaut in the future. I and all my friends must study and learn because this is the only way for us to achieve our dreams. Now that I am a student of EBA’s online school, in my opinion, the benefits of an online school for us girls in this situation, are many because this is the only way we can continue our schools.
My name is Sama Iam a a student in grade seven And I’m 14 years old I want to study school but the Taliban don't allow school girls to go And I want to study in an online school