Effective Teaching & Trigger of Talent

My name is Mahtab Ibrahimi, I am14 years old. I am in 7th grade at Education Bridge for Afghanistan online school.

I am a girl like millions of other deprived girls in Afghanistan!

  • Writer: Mahtab Ebrahimi
  • Category: EBA Online School
  • Language: English

My name is Mahtab Ibrahimi, I am14 years old. I am in 7th grade at Education Bridge for Afghanistan online school. I'm living as a refugee with my family in Pakistan because of the Taliban takeover. This is the second year we have been without school and it's so worrying. I am a girl like millions of other girls in Afghanistan who did not choose to be born in such a location, but have chosen not to give up on a better future. I am a girl like thousands of girls who have big dreams but face many barriers along the way and must learn how to overcome them.

I wish the Taliban knew that a city with illiterate citizens is same as a zombie country that is always hungry and scary. Instead, if everybody is educated well, they will use their education in their life and improve day by day. I wish peace and freedom for my country. Special thanks to Education Bridge for Afghanistan/EBA online school for providing us with this opportunity to continue our education. Please help EBA to keep our online school working!